Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Online Ways to Get More Twitter Followers

1. Leverage Your Other Social Media Profiles

Link to your Twitter profile from your other profiles across the web. Facebook, YouTube,Linkedin, etc.

On your Facebook page include a link to your Twitter profile in the Websites section.

On YouTube you can link to your Twitter profile in your bio, and in the description section for videos. You can also mention your Twitter username in your videos, or watermark it as text on top of the video.
2. Link to Your Twitter Name in Your Email Signature

With every email you send you have an opportunity to link the recipient(s) of your Twitter profile.

I use a cool email signature service called WiseStamp that includes a twitter icon in my email signature.

If you don’t want to use wisestamp to include an image link you can simply use a text link that says you should follow me on Twitter here.
3. Tell People They Should Follow You On Twitter

Dustin Curtis did a twitter experiment on his blog and found that when he said:

“you should follow me on twitter here“

his click through rate improved significantly.

4. Tweet Awesome Content

If you can get more retweets you can get more followers. Every retweet you get should

help you net a few new followers. How many new followers a retweet gets you depends on who retweets you.

Share awesome content you will get more retweets, and more followers. When people visit your Twitter page and see that you are tweeting awesome content they will see the value in following your stream, and will be more likely to follow you.

Not sure where to start for awesome content? Check out my awesome content Twitter list.
5. Ask Your Followers to Retweet You

Ask your followers to “Please RT” your best content.

Saying please has been proven to get better results. I have tested this out and it really does work.

Every retweet usually leads to a few new followers, depending on how many followers the person who retweets you has.

Check out my article about how to get more retweets for more tips that will help your tweets go viral.
6. Use TweetAdder

TweetAdder is a ridiculously powerful Twitter marketing and connection building program.

I have used TweetAdder to build tens of thousands of relevant connections and I highly recommend it.

I created a comprehensive TweetAdder guide explaining in detail which features of the program are useful, and how to use them for maximum effect.

I have also developed an awesome TweetAdder bonus that anyone can have for free if they grab a copy of TweetAdder through my link.

In addition to the TweetAdder Guide I created I also produced a video review of TweetAdder that you can watch here.
7. Reach Out to Your Followers

This can be something as simple as an automatic bubble tweet saying hello.

Even just using TweetAdder to send a message saying “Hi, thanks for following” to introduce yourself to new followers will help you keep more of them.

Use auto-dm’s with caution; don’t use them to send a spammy link, instead try to spark a real conversation and connection with a friendly hello.

I recommend against using TrueTwit Validation because many people would sooner unfollow you than going through the cumbersome process of validating you as a “True twit.”
8. Carefully Include Keywords in Your Bio

The more details you can include in your bio, the better. Tools like TweetAdder allow people to search and find people to follow based on the keywords in your bio.

Try to include keywords that both describe you and the content you tweet about.
9. Use #Hashtags in Some of Your Tweets

Hashtags can help people find your tweets through trending topics, and Twitter search.

#Hashtags are not pretty to look atso use them sparingly. Some people detest them and will unfollow you if you use them all the time.


#Hashtags do open your tweets to other tweet streams so using them when you are starting out can open your tweets up to a larger audience than just your followers.

The more people that find your tweets, the more people find (and follow) you.
10. Tweet Cool Pictures

People like to see and share cool pictures.

Pictures tend to retweet well, and the more retweets you get the more followers you can potentially net.

A few cool Twitter photo sharing tools include:
TwitPic - TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter
Instagram – iPhone photo sharing service. Won app of the year from Apple.
Tweetphoto - Photo sharing made simple
Yfrog - Share your images and videos on Twitter
11.Follow Highly Relevant People

The more relevant the people you follow are, the better the chance is that they will follow you back.

TweetAdder can help with this by allowing you to target people to follow based on the keywords they use in their bio, or in their tweets.

The best way to ensure you are building relevant connections is to check out people for yourself.
12. Retweet Others

The best way to get on the radar of others is with a retweet in the classic style, rather than the new style.

A classic retweet is when you start the tweet with RT and their username, ie: “RT @Garin: 50 Innovative Ways to Get More Twitter Followers –”

Doing this causes your retweet to show up in their mention stream, which is more visible than retweeting in the new one-click style.
13. Unfollow People Who Don’t Follow You

For those who don’t own a Twitter marketing program like TweetAdder there is a free alternative called Manage Flitter that creates a list of all people who don’t follow you and makes it easy for you to unfollow them.

14. Tell Your Contact List to Follow You

Send an email to your existing contact list letting them know that you are on twitter, and that they should be following you.

One way to do this is to use an emboldened post-script in any newsletters you might send.

For example:

P.S. Follow me on Twitter @Garin.
15. Tweet During Peak Times

Tweet during peak twitter traffic times.

Check out this post I wrote about everything you need to know about timing your tweets so you can get your tweets more exposure.

The more exposure your tweets get the more followers you will pick up in the process.
16. Participate in Trending Topics

Trending topics are visible to thousands of people at once.

Participating in a trending topic can give your tweet more exposure than it normally would.

With more exposure your tweets have a better chance of spreading, and this can net you a bunch of new followers in the process.
17. Buy a Twitter Account / Followers

This tip is a bit risqué but it will get you a bunch of followers fast.

If you sent out some tweets asking people if they would sell an account to you, you could probably find someone who would.

I have also seen Twitter accounts for sale on ebay, but I have never bought one. If I had to start again from scratch I would consider it.

Note: Some people swell Twitter accounts with “ghost followers” making it seem like they have more followers than they actually do. If you’re buyig an account make sure to scroll through the follower list to make sure the followers are legit.
18. Engage with Twitter Giants

If you can engage Twitter Giants, you can potentially get a large amount of exposure if they respond to you.

Your chances of getting the attention of a Twitter Giant grows as your following grows. Be persistent. Get them on lists and tweet their original content. Mention them for #FollowFriday.

I engage with Twitter Giants on a regular basis and I’m sure that if you keep trying you can do the same.
19. Use a Tweet Button in Your Blog Posts

Sites with twitter share buttons installed get seven times the twitter mentions as websites without them.

Twitter recently launched the official tweet button, and I recommend you use it.

If you install this button into your pages or posts manually you can also choose to have the button recommend people to follow after a tweet is sent.

If you are running a self-hosted WordPress blog the best plugin for integrating a tweet button and other social buttons is Digg Digg.

Digg Digg is the plugin that installed the social sharing buttons that follow you as you scroll down this page.
20. Do a Charity Promotion

Drew Carey (@Drewfromtv) is paying $1 for every follower he gets, up until 1,000,000 followers.

This strategy has netted him over 600,000 followers already, and plenty of publicity.
21. Create a Great Looking Twitter Background

Most people still use the web based version of Twitter, which means they will see your background when surfing to your profile.

If you take the time to create a custom Twitter background people will notice and you will get more follows as a result.

Check out the tool Themelon for millions of color combinations.
22. Pick a Short and Memorable Twitter User Name

The shorter your username the better.

Many people still use the classic style retweets, so having a shorter username means that more people will be able to retweet your tweets.
23. Tweet Often

When I met @unmarketing he told me the month he became really big on Twitter he tweeted about 10,000 times.

By tweeting all the time you might piss a bunch of people off, but the ones who don’t unfollow you will be much more familiar with you, and will be more likely to retweet you.

How effective this strategy is depends entirely on what you tweet about, of course.

The more you tweet, the better chance you have of your tweets being seen by people who do not follow you yet.

The more recent your tweets are, the more relevant it will seem for someone to follow you.
24. Run a Contest

Running a contest is a great way to attract new followers. Offer a good prize and make sure you clearly communicate the rules of entry. If your prize is related to your brand then it can also help find targeted followers who are interested in your area of expertise.

Be creative! Try giving away an experience, a vacation, a meeting with a celebrity. Contests draw attention! Offer multiple prizes, including a grand prize, 3-5 mid-level prizes, and as many small prizes as you feel like.

Set a hashtag for your contest like#mycontestisawesome or #winmystuff, and include it in every tweet about your contest.

Launch your contest through Twitter and any other mediums you are using. Blogs are great at driving contest traffic, because they can explain the prizes and rules in greater detail.

You can use the conest as an inbound marketing vehicle for your website and award prizes based on who drives the most traffic back to the contest page, thus helping it spread virally! Get contest entrants to use links which have built in analytics so that you can track who sends the most traffic.
25. Use Twitter in Your Blog Comments

When replying to posts on other people’s blogs, leave your Twitter name in your reply.

If you are commenting on a disqus comment system (like the one in this post) you can click a twitter icon and share your comment on Twitter.

This is something many new users miss on Twitter. Twitter is not simply a medium to broadcast like television or radio, although some people do drop the ball and use it this way. Twitter is meant for both broadcasting AND interaction.

Answer back to people who tweet you. People who talk to you will be much more likely to follow you.

Whenever someone tweets or retweets me I check to make sure I am following them, and I imagine that many other people check this out as well.
27. Install a Twitter Follow Button

The official Twitter follow button makes it easy for people to follow you directly from your site.

Installing a Twitter button is really easy, it just takes copying and pasting the code, and inserting your username. I have two twitter follow buttons installed into the sidebar of this blog, feel free to use them if you want to see how they work.
28. Add Yourself to Twitter Directories

There are directories like Twellow, wefollow, and several others where you can add your Twitter profile and get more followers.

Wefollow is an especially helpful Twitter directory because it is the largest directory on the web.

There are dozens of directories of Twitter users online, including Twiends, WeFollow, and Twellow, and more.

Add yourself to as many directories as you can find under the proper categories, and you will begin to see some users following you from these sites.

When someone follows you through one of these directories you will receive a notification email from Twitter – if you have these turned on. In these notifications you can see which directory they followed you through.

If you’re using Twitter Marketing software like TweetAdder you’ll want to turn these notifications off because it gets annoying with a few hundred daily emails from Twitter.
29. Write Articles and Place your Twitter Name in the Signature Box

Write articles on your topic of interest and place your Twitter name in the resource box. Submit these articles to places like and
30. Install a Twitter Widget into Your Website

Did you know that you can add a Twitter widget on LinkedIn that will display your recent tweets? There are many places online that will allow you to display a list of your latest tweets, and these widgets are a great source of new followers!

You can get an official custom Twitter widget that works on any site where you can add custom code!

I use publitweet widgets to embed my Twitter stream into my blogs, since these are more powerful than official Twitter widgets and import not only my tweets, but also a preview of the content that was shared if a link was tweeted. See the image to the right for an idea of what these look like, although the design is custom.
31. Link it Up

The more links you have to your twitter profile the more ways there are for people to follow you!

This means online and offline, put a link to your Twitter profile everywhere you can.

Link to Twitter from Facebook, from your blog, from your guest posts, from your videos, in your email signature, and anywhere else you can think of.

Usually if you just put an “@” sign in front of your username people will understand that you are listing your Twitter name.
32. Guest Blogging

Even if you don’t have a blog of your own, you can easily gain notoriety by writing posts for other blogs. Running a blog is hard work, and most people and companies welcome well written posts to give them a break. If you do score an opportunity to guest post, link to your blog if you like, but be sure to link to your Twitter account as well. Some people will follow you if they liked the post.

This strategy works very well if you can give readers an incentive to follow you. Will they hear about more posts like the one you wrote? Is it the only way to find all of your guest posts? Do you tweet the location of buried treasure on International Talk like a Pirate Day?

Give them a reason to follow you, and you will be amazed at how effective this strategy can be.
33. Be Funny

Laughter is the best medicine. Funny and witty tweets retweet very well.

Just check out favstar for some of the funniest tweets.

@Badbanana and @shitmydadsays are always good for a laugh.
34. Sign up for my free 7 day eCourse

Enroll in my free 7 day twitter eCourse and you will receive awesome twitter tips and tricks by email that will enable you build a powerful twitter presence that will help you get many more followers.
35. Participate in #FollowFriday

Throughout the week keep track of the people who retweet and make a positive impression on you and reward them with a #FollowFriday recommendation.

More often than not people you recommend for #FollowFriday will return the favor.
36. Do podcasts

Podcasting is a great way to get attention, it showcases your expertise, and helps build an audience.

Creating your own podcast is simple. All you have to do is download a program such as Audacity (or, if you’re on a Mac, GarageBand works well.)

Record your audio, edit out long pauses or background noise, and make sure to mention that people should follow you on Twitter!
37. Webinars

Webinars are essentially online seminars, so the exposure is similar to an offline seminar. The advantage of webinars is that they are typically for mixed online/offline audiences, and in addition to online and/or telephone audio, you can also display on screen slideshows and links with the appropriate software or service.

This is a perfect medium to get Twitter followers, since you can link directly to your Twitter account during and after the webinar for attendees. You can begin by creating a template for your slideshow that includes your Twitter information in the bottom right hand corner. Many attendees will automatically look in that corner of the presentation last, while listening to your information. It is the perfect place to put information that you would like them to act on, as they will be available to follow you during the presentation.

Encourage Twitter users to follow you throughout the presentation, offering more tips, tricks, reports, discounts, and offers via Twitter.

If you plan on hosting a Q&A session ask people to follow you on Twitter and tweet their questions. Not only will this get you immediate followers from the participants, but their followers will see the questions being posed to you as well, and this can lead to more followers.
38. Do customer support through Twitter

Now, we’re not suggesting you throw away your helpdesk, but add Twitter as a support channel. You may find that users are already tweeting questions at you. Most good helpdesk software already offers Twitter integration.

Some people like posting support questions via Twitter, as they feel the public nature of it will lead to a faster response. Some prefer using private channels and may not use Twitter, but adding it will win you some new followers providing you offer good timely support through it.
39. Integrate Twitter with Your Videos

People love to watch videos. Creating video tutorials for your area of expertise is a great way to get exposure for yourself, and your Twitter presence.

Place your Twitter username in various places in the video, and you can even use a watermark or video annotation so that your twitter username is constantly visible.

If you have a YouTube channel make sure to include a link to your twitter profile on your channel page.
Offline Ways to Get More Followers
40. Rent a Billboard

If you are really ambitious, rent a billboard and put your Twitter name on it. This is what Ashton Kutcher did when he was racing against CNN to be the first to 1,000,000 followers.

This strategy worked for Ashton and I’m sure it could work for you too if you have a few thousand dollars to cover the cost.
41. Word of Mouth

Tell your friends and relatives to follow you on Twitter.

Bring Twitter up in person when you are chatting with people. If they are on Twitter convince them to follow you, if they are not on Twitter convince them to join.
Blog about your Twitter account

On the same note, if you do have a blog, write a post about your Twitter account. Post about how you like Twitter, how you hate Twitter, different types of Twitter people and posts you like or dislike, who you follow… Anything, really. Make sure to mention your Twitter account (and suggest that people follow you) at least once in the article.

You can also write a post about what you would say with more than 140 characters to certain Twitter celebrities. Do you wish you could tell Shaq about your “random act of Shaqness”? Want to get @NotTinaFey to read your latest comedy script? Social media is all about being unique – find something that is memorable, and gently remind people that your tweets are memorable, too!
42. Speak at Conferences

While most people already know that the exposure you can gain from speaking at conferences is great for business, few people bother promoting their social media accounts through these mediums. The next time you’re giving a presentation at a seminar or conference, mention your Twitter account. If you are using presentation software or an on-screen image during your speech, display your username on screen.

If your audience likes what you have to say, they may just follow you later! You can even host the conference yourself, including your Twitter information on conference tickets and tweet the events as they happen. When it comes to live events, the sky is the limit!
43. Print your Twitter Name on Your Business Card

Twitter promotion does not have to be limited to the online world. Include your Twitter name right on your business card you will be able to get several new followers.

Don’t have your Twitter username on your business cards yet? You’re in luck Vista Print is currently giving away 250 business cards for free.
44. Host Tweetups

Most of the time, offline strategies involve people finding you offline and connecting with you online afterwards. Tweetups are exactly the opposite – they allow you the opportunity to connect with Twitter users in person, even if you have never met before. Because the group of Twitter users that meet is often diverse (and often inviting their own followers and friends,) you will likely gain at least a few new followers from a tweetup.

You can start a tweetup simply by asking around your circle of twitter followers. Offer to host the event at a coffee shop, conference, restaurant, or even your offices. Create a dedicated web page or blog post for the event, a hash tag (for example, #mytweetup) so that users can follow the event, and encourage tweeters to share with their friends and followers as well. You can gain large amounts of exposure from something this simple!
45. Radio interviews

Much like speaking at conferences, radio interviews are a great way to get attention. Whether you’re through AM/FM, satellite, internet, or even Blog Talk Radio, the interviews can be used to gain some positive and wildly popular PR. To be interviewed on the radio, you need to make yourself available as an expert. Watch your local stations for requests (they often publish them via social media,) list yourself in expert directories, and even contact the station directly and ask if they have any upcoming opportunities for experts.

While you won’t have a visual medium to display your Twitter account, repeating your Twitter username a few times during your interview can help you gain new followers. You can also use your interview time to promote contests and upcoming events through your Twitter feed, which is sure to get you some new followers in no time at all!
46. Newspaper interviews and articles

If you can somehow tie your business or industry to a current event, it can be easy to get an article in the traditional press that includes your information. You can distribute your own article via press release, or make yourself available for expert interviews through directories and by approaching the media directly.

If you have the resources, hiring a public relations firm can be a great help with this. They can get you expert interviews in many newspapers and national publications, and because of their existing relationship with the editor, you will often be allowed to include a bit more company information than the average submission.

If you don’t have the resources (or just prefer DIY methods), write a compelling press release that ties your business to a current event. Distribute it to the local media, and call to follow up. Create a media kit or press kit for distribution when someone asks for information about you and your business. Getting interviews in traditional press isn’t difficult for a small business owner, but it does take an investment of time and some persistence.

When you do gain some media exposure, while most companies are just now beginning to include links to their website in the article, you can include links to social media accounts like Twitter to get new followers and exposure for your expertise.
47. Networking events

If you run a business, you likely have a local networking event that you do or can attend. Publicizing your Twitter profile at events like these through your business cards, stickers, and stamps can gain you a large number of targeted Twitter followers very quickly! Be sure to offer an incentive for following you, such as free reports, discounts, or updates.
48. Write a book/eBook

Few things say “I’m an expert in my field” like being a published author. While print titles still have more clout with traditional audiences, eBooks like those for Kindle and other e-readers are gaining popularity. If you’re looking to establish yourself as an expert, traditional publishing houses may get you the most notoriety, but self-publishing with a good public relations agent can get you similar results today.

Being sure to include your social media links – including Twitter – is a great way to allow readers to connect with your expertise after reading your book. Start by offering your Twitter ID on the inside front cover, where many bookstore shoppers will look for your bio; then include your information on the back cover, in the introduction, and throughout the book.

If you are willing to think outside of the box, you can even include your Twitter ID in the footer of every page. Even if they don’t follow you immediately after reading the book, they will subconsciously recognize your account in the future and be more willing to follow you if they come across your name again.

Several prominent social media celebrities even use Twitter to launch subsequent titles, so don’t overlook the possibilities here. The opportunities are endless!
49. Research and publish a report

Reports and white papers are still an essential form of communication for industries and markets around the globe. If you have any data or research to share, or even just helpful ideas, publishing a report or whitepaper can successfully get you the attention of industry leaders, media, and yes – social media.

You can get your white papers and reports distributed by trade magazine distributors across North America, which will often give you the customers’ information. Offer the report or whitepaper on your own website, as well as on Twitter itself. You may find that the link to your report gets retweeted, getting you valuable exposure!

As with other forms of offline publishing, be sure to utilize your author’s bio and include links to Twitter and other profiles.
50. Magazine Articles

Like newspaper articles, magazine articles can get you great attention from readers and potential customers. Unlike newspapers, however, they can be much longer in length, explain things in much more depth, and offer more opportunities for promotion.

Go to the website for your favorite industry magazine and look for a link to their publishing schedule. There, magazines will list topics that they are going to be covering in the coming months. If you feel you can contribute to one of these topics, contact the editor with a proposal for your article. Do not send the whole article! Editors need a quick glance to determine if your content will be worthy, before approving you to begin work.

The great thing about working with magazines is that in certain circumstances, you can even get paid for your submission. How many opportunities do you have that allow your advertising to pay you? Magazine editors will typically allow for a longer author’s bio, offer more opportunities for promotion, and may even extend offers for inexpensive advertising in exchange for your contribution.
Other Ideas

An inexpensive way to spread your Twitter username is with a rubber stamp customized with your Twitter ID on it. Once you have this stamp simply stamp your ID on everything. No new printing costs, no need to change the receipt printer – just stamp, stamp, stamp away!

As you can see, offline methods for finding Twitter followers are only limited by your imagination. Pubs and restaurants can publish their ID on coasters and napkins.

Magnets with your Twitter ID are a great “leave behind” for moving companies, and custom Twitter signs inserted into baked goods are a great way for a local bakery to get their information in front of consumers. Don’t be shy with your Twitter account; if you really want to gain a large, targeted following, you have to go after it!
Feature columns

Even more powerful than individual newspaper or magazine articles are feature columns. If you have the dedicated time, offering to write a feature column for a magazine or newspaper will not only assist the editor with their workload but give you more opportunities for promotion.

Often times, feature columnists will get their bio published with the column monthly as well as in the front of the magazine with the other staff writers. Including your Twitter link along with your other biographical information in the magazine can get you more followers while building expert status.
Use a Quick Response (QR) Code

There are several services online that allow you to create quick response or QR codes. These codes are simple square barcodes that are gaining massive popularity with smartphone users, as they can be used to direct any phone to a specific web address just by taking a picture.

Create a QR code that links to your Twitter profile, and put it up everywhere – on your website, on your business cards, on any signage outside of your office or store, or anywhere else you can think of that might attract enough attention to be worth a snapshot.
Advertise on Twitter

One of the most effective ways to promote yourself is on twitter itself. They offer solutions for promoting your profile, promoting your tweets, or promoting trends.

Each method gives you a slightly different way to get your message across. This form of promotion is really powerful when used in combination with one of the other methods listed below, such as running a contest.

Promoting your profile will help you grow your following directly, while promoting tweets and trends will allow you to drive other initiatives used to get exposure for yourself.
Offer discounts and deals to followers

While many of these methods are about print advertising and getting in front of large amounts of people, never underestimate the power of your office or retail location if you have one.

Offer daily deals, specials, coupons, or discounts to customers who follow you on Twitter.

Especially for retail and food service businesses, your physical location is an ideal place to publicize your social media links. Imagine walking into a store, and seeing their Twitter ID posted on the counter? Or walking into a restaurant and seeing their Twitter ID on the menu?
Quality is More Important Quantity

Remember that quality is more important than quantity. 1000 unengaged, irrelevant followers is much less useful to you than 100 followers that regularly talk with you, reply to you, retweet your content, and encourage others to follow you.

Monday, 12 November 2012

How to Make Money on Twitter: Do Commercials!

Yes, it's no secret that Twitter can be a tremendous time-suck. But imagine getting paid for wasting those precious minutes of your day. Thanks to companies that are desperate to reach consumers in the social-media crowd, it's now possible to make a buck or two — or much more — on Twitter. A company called IZEA, which made its name connecting bloggers with companies willing to compensate them for plugs on their sites, has set up a similar service for the Twittersphere. At the appropriately named site Sponsored Tweets, Twitter users can sign in, set the price they want companies to pay them for the privilege of tweeting an ad on their behalf, and wait for the offers to come in. "I'm a stay-at-home mom who uses Twitter while the kids are napping," says Jocelyn French, mother of a 2-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter. Through Sponsored Tweets, she has tweeted on behalf of Kmart, a parenting website and a college-information site, among others, each for $1 a pop. "I figure, hey, why not get paid at the same time?" French says.

Ted Murphy, founder and CEO of IZEA, says more than 7,000 Twitter users have signed up for Sponsored Tweets in its first month. Murphy says about 500 advertisers, mostly small- to medium-size businesses, plus a handful of Fortune 500 companies, are using the platform. Marketers have access to the entire database of tweeters and can select whom they want to pay and how much they're willing to dish out. Compensation is based on a user's expertise or passion, how many followers that person has and other metrics, like how often the tweeter's followers click to links posted on his or her Twitter page. Murphy says he has paid more than $100,000 to Twitter users in his site's first month of operation. As commission, he charges companies 15% to 50% of their payments to the microbloggers.

 others, this movement of marketers into the Twittersphere could be another reason to despise the whole Twitter craze. It's painful enough to get regular updates on your neighbor's dinner plans. What if he started littering your inbox with product pitches? "Sponsored Tweets is controversial," acknowledges Robin Dance, a part-time fundraiser and blogger from Chattanooga, Tenn., who has amassed an impressive 2,800-plus-strong Twitter following and has also tweeted for Kmart. "I've had good friends and fellow bloggers say they have no use for Sponsored Tweets, and will un-follow me if I use it. They say I'm selling out, that it's Twitter blasphemy." If anything, Twitter is supposed to be real — at times, perhaps too real (no, I did not need to know the details of your stomach virus). That could be lost if it gets commercialized. "How do you preserve the authenticity of the conversation?" asks Pete Blackshaw, a brand strategist and social-media expert for Nielsen Online. "That's what everyone is struggling with."

For example, tweets that are sponsored raise the messy issue of disclosure. If someone speaks highly about a product on Twitter, don't followers have a right to know if that messenger is a compensated mouthpiece? Murphy insists that all tweets that flow through his site will carry some form of disclosure. For example, French's Kmart tweet reads: "Bluelight Special Alert: This Saturday at Kmart all patio furniture is 70% off! For more deals follow (sponsored)." Others include signposts like "#ad." But within a 140-character limit for all tweets, is there truly enough room to clearly spell out the relationship between Kmart and the Twitter user? It's all too easy for a reader to gloss over the "sponsored" tag at the end of the message, or not fully comprehend what it signifies. "I don't think we've cracked the code on disclosure," says Blackshaw.

Even with full disclosure, paid tweets carry risks for brands. If it's clear that a company is paying a Twitter user to put in a good word for them, will the message ring true — or reek of desperation? "Oh no," says Tom Aiello, spokesman for Sears Holdings Corp., Kmart's parent company. "A lot of brands have had successful campaigns go through the paid side." Still, brand strategists recommend that companies tread into the Twittersphere lightly. Real word of mouth is much more valuable. "I have urged clients to be very cautious about pay-to-say on Twitter," says Blackshaw. "Get the word out naturally. There's lots of love on the organic side; go for that first."

even real friends. "I do understand the arguments against Sponsored Tweets," says Dance, the Tennessee blogger who plans to use the service (she won't disclose her price). "But I'm not going to be flooding someone's Twitter stream. There's nothing subversive about it. It's just a little payback for the four years of my life I've invested in my blog."

Top 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back
As Twitter hits its stride and emerges as a juggernaut in social media, the top users on the site are distancing themselves from the pack. The race to 1,000,000 followers will be achieved in a few months by some accounts. With such strong followings, many new or inactive Twitter users may not think that there are top accounts that will follow them back.

On the contrary, there are many. In fact, many users with tens of thousands of followers will follow just about everyone back. Some use tools to automatically follow anyone who follows them. Others actually go through and manually add their new followers. Regardless of the method, these 237 accounts will most likely follow you back, even if you’re a Twitter newbie.

100,000+ Followers
  1. BarackObama
  2. DowningStreet
  3. TheOnion
50,000-100,000 Followers

  1. Asimrapper
  2. GuyKawasaki
  3. Starbucks
  4. Scobleizer
  5. BigRichB
  6. Astronautics
  7. CaseyWright
  8. PerryBelcher
  9. AlohaArleen
  10. Nansen
  11. TheBusyBrain
  12. RobMcNealy
  13. MichaeMillman
  14. Zaibatsu
  15. WBAustin
  16. 40,000-50,000 Followers
  17. Jonathan360
  18. HashTags
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  20. Andrew303
  21. ESPN
  22. MrSocial
  23. ChrisPirillo
  24. Stejules
  25. DaveMalby
  26. Eleesha
  27. 30,000-40,000 Followers
  28. CraigTeich
  29. StephenKruiser
  30. Jerell
  31. BradHoward
  32. Foodimentary
  33. ScotMcKay
  34. EdStivala
  35. RockingJude
  36. ShannonSeek
  37. RadioBlogger
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  39. RonnieWilson
  40. DanTanner
  41. MikePFS
  42. TechXav
  43. SocialMediaClub
  44. FLWBooks
  45. Kamper
  46. AndrewWindham
20,000-30,000 Followers
  1. Oliver_Turner
  2. _SamJones
  3. KMesiab
  4. Mark33
  5. StanleyTang
  6. Barefoot_Exec
  7. JackBastide
  8. NicheTitans
  9. MarketingZap
  10. PragueBob
  11. Twitter_Tips
  12. TwitPic
  13. 00Joe
  14. JeanetteJoy
  15. OHHDLInfo
  16. MariaAndros
  17. JeanLucR
  18. TMaduri
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  20. ImogenHeap
  21. NewMediaJim
  22. MarkDavidson
  23. OpenZine
  24. BryantSmith
  26. DrJeffersnBoggs
  27. JayOatway
  28. Upicks
  29. Gemstars
  30. MichDdot
  31. SethSimonds
  32. JesseNewhart
  33. Zefrank
  34. RichCurrie
  35. KarlRove
  36. SitePointdotcom
  37. iPodiums
  38. AlexKaris
  39. HoleInHisEye
  40. Pistachio
  41. OudiAntebi
  42. DSMPublishing
  43. PeterSantilli
  44. Orrin_Woodward
  45. QueenoftheClick
  46. StockTwits
  47. MarketingProfs
  48. MariSmith
10,000-20,000 Followers
  1. MarcWarnke
  2. Debbas
  3. SteveWeber
  4. TUAW
  5. KikiValdes
  6. WayneMansfield
  7. USBargains
  8. Rex7
  9. CoffeeTweet
  10. LarryLanier
  11. JulieRoy
  12. JamesRivers
  13. MikeFilsaime
  14. Montaignejns
  15. SeanMalarkey
  16. WebAddict
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  21. Teedubya
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  24. KonaEndurance
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  27. InfadelsAreCool
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  30. DiyanaAlcheva
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  35. PeterDrew
  36. LittleQuiz
  37. TeddyShabba
  38. DawudMiracle
  39. RightWingNews
  40. OutsideMyBrain
  41. Dollars5
  42. MediaBistro
  43. Adnagam
  44. COasis
  45. NicholasPatten
  46. AlexisNeely
  47. EverywhereTrip
  48. E_Stampede
  49. ChristianFea
  50. MojoJuju
  51. eMom
  52. RizzoTees
  53. Anexemines
  54. AmericanElement
  55. TravisGreenlee
  56. RickySantos
  57. PawLuxury
  58. KrisColvin
  59. PinkElephantPun
  60. JasonFinch
  61. LonnieHodge
  62. JanSimpson
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  66. JamesByers
  67. JeffHerring
  68. Linc4Justice
  69. GSpowart
  70. HowardBienstock
  71. Peter_R_Casey
  72. BettyDraper
  73. MichaelEmlong
  74. Dexin
  75. The_Gman
  76. BobCallahan
  77. TrendTracker
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  83. Frostfire
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  88. PhotoCanvas
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  90. Bill_Romanos
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  92. HawaiiRealty
  93. 9Miles
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  95. Loyalty360
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  98. SteveOuch
  99. Socrates_Soc
  100. Comcastcares
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  133. JasonTryfon
  134. DanSchawbel
  135. LookCook
  136. JudyRey
  137. MJBerry
  138. EdwardMoore
  139. BlackBottoms
  140. DougH
  141. CrumCake
  142. ProsperityGal
  143. Lotay
  144. JudyRey
How to Use this List
Regardless of what stage you are in Twitter, if your goal is to accumulate active followers, the people on this list are good for that. Most on the list are active and interact with their followers on a daily basis. They retweet to their followers when they find something interesting on or off Twitter and many of them post high-quality tweets.
Some do not, and you’ll be able to identify the spammers and self-serving users from what appears in your stream. This list has not been validated for quality (maybe a future blog post) but rather to help new and experienced users grow their followers.
Unfortunately, I did the list backwards. Anyone who wants to grow their Twitter account should start from the bottom and work their way up, adding all 237 either all at once or spread out over time. The advantage of adding from this list is two-fold:
Obviously, as these users have demonstrated a willingness to follow those who follow them, it gives you a likely additional follower.
The side-benefit of adding from this list is that once you follow them, your account will, for a short period of time, be at the top of their followers list. Many users build their Twitter followers by adding the followers of users such as these, so being at the top increases your account’s exposure and the number of opportunities for other users to follow you.
This blog does not condone “Twitter Follower Spam” or whatever you would like to call the practice of adding a ton of followers, unfollowing them later, and adding more in a vicious cycle of growth, but hey, it works, and many people do it. This is just a resource to help users at every level build their accounts as quickly as they would like

Getting Quality Twitter Followers

1:-    Make sure your profile is complete with an avatar that shows your face and a solid bio.
   *     The simplest and most personal way to go for an avatar is a photograph of your face looking straight into the lens. Avoid funny angles or having anything else in the photo. Crop it into a square, but don't shrink it down. You want people to be able to click on it and see the larger version.

  *       If you own a company and want to use your brand as your avatar instead of a photograph, this is perfectly acceptable. However, using random graphics or images as your avatar can give the impression of a face or spam account, so they are not recommended.

 *       Many people will read your Twitter bio before deciding whether to follow you. A good written bio can help you get much more followers than a poorly written bio.

2:-    Tweet well and tweet often. Selective followers will also glance at your most recent tweets to see if you're worth following.
         You should have a minimum of one post per day and ideally two posts per day to maximize your account. Make sure you're tweeting on a variety of subjects and not just your personal thoughts or what you're doing at the moment. Talk about your hobbies and interests, share a piece of insightful advice, or post a photo of something cool to switch it up.

 *    Be interesting, transparent and provocative. Share intimate news about your life. If you can spin a good story, you might get readers addicted to the daily dramas of your everyday life.

*     Post interesting links. Find the man bites dog story. Search the web voraciously for a nugget you can spin into a good tweet. Guy Kawasaki, who has over 100,000 followers, goes as far as paying employees to find buzzworthy stories for him to tweet.[4] There are many websites you can scour for prime Tweeting material.

 *    Post multimedia. Switching things up with pictures, videos and even sound clips here and there can make your posts more fun to follow.

3:-     Follow people who follow people that are like you. If you're a tarot fanatic, for example, find another tarot fanatic who has many followers. Follow those followers. If it's clear in your bio and your tweets that you're a tarot enthusiast, they're more likely to follow you. Be cautious though; following too many people may draw potential followers away.

4:-     Ask people to retweet you. Being retweeted pushes your exposure to the edges of your Twitter network. Simply adding "Please retweet" or "Please RT" to the end of some of your posts here and there (not all the time) can remind your followers that you want them to spread the word for you. Occasionally posting a link to an article on How to Retweet will also help your followers help you.

5:-     Search for tweets with keywords related to your topics of interest. Let's say you're a metalhead. Look for people who mention your favorite metal groups. Reply to their tweets and then follow them. Your response will show them that you have something in common, and make it more likely that they'll follow you back. Better yet, retweet them if the content is good. Not only are you forming connections with other Twitter users, but you're also bringing good content to your followers.

6:-     Use hashtags. This is another way to connect to people with similar interests and to increase the visibility of your tweets. Add hashtags to your tweets and also create tweets based on hashtags that are popular on Twitter at the time (you can see these as "trends" on the left-hand side of your Twitter home page).

7:-      Regularly unfollow people who haven't followed you back. This is especially important to avoid follow limits. The first limit you'll probably hit is when you've followed 2,000 people. You won't be able to follow any more until you have 2,000 followers. As you follow and get followed, it'll become time-consuming to "clean up" your list (unfollow people who aren't following you back). There are services like Twidium and FriendorFollow which can help with that.

8:-      Repeat your most popular tweets. Do a search for your Twitter name and observe which of your updates get the most replies and retweets. Then repeat those updates a few times roughly 8-12 hours apart. You'll reach more people this way because you're more likely to catch the attention of people who missed your updates the first time around. People "tune in" to Twitter at various times during the day (and night). If you get complaints about repeated tweets, you might want to slow down, but you probably won't.

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

1 :       Follow everyone who follows you. It might seem counter-intuitive to do this when you're focused on             gaining followers, but it's a good practice because people who notice that you didn't follow them back            might unfollow you. Also, when you follow back, some people might respond to you publicly, which             will give you some added exposure to their followers.[3]

           If you're worried that you won't be able to keep up with that many people, you're right. Once                       you're following over 100 people, it'll be pretty much impossible to read all their updates. You'll                      become more selective in who/what you read.

2 :         Use Twitterholic. Pick major cities, states and countries like Chicago or India. Follow anyone with                who is following over 200 more people than are following them back.

3  :       Follow people who autofollow. "Twitter celebrities" (Twitter users with huge numbers of following                and followers) are also likely to follow you back automatically.[3] They'll be following over a                        thousand or sometimes tens of thousands of people, but unlike spammers, they'll have the same                      number of (or more) followers. You'll stumble upon such accounts during your Twitter travels (e.g.               when they are retweeted by someone you're following), but you can also do an Internet search for                 "most popular Twitter accounts" or "popular Tweeters".

           People who follow spammers are likely to be autofollowers. Wait until a spam follower follows                      you. Spam followers will have 1,000+ people they are following, but only 5 to 150 followers in                      return. Follow everyone who follows the spam follower. Those are likely to be people who are                      following in return in order to boost their own follow count.
4 :
          Put up "Follow me on Twitter" links on your blog, e-mail, other social networking outlets, and across             the web. That way, people who are already interested in what you're doing can easily find your                     Twitter Profile and follow you. Using graphics, such as a button or counter can also be more                         effective at catching attention and getting you more followers.

5:           Try to get celebrities or famous people to follow you on Twitter. That will increase the chance that                they will tweet at you or retweet one of your tweets, increasing the visibility of your Twitter account.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

BMW steering wheel offers a race timer, g-force meter for every turn

German luxury automakers have slowly been turning their vehicles into computers on wheels over the past few years, putting a plethora of buttons and screens never more than a few inches away from a driver or passenger. Yet there's still unexplored frontiers, as BMW has revealed with a steering wheel that keeps track of your fuel efficiency, lap times and even tells drivers when to shift. It's like having a mini race engineer sitting on the rim -- although his services don't come cheap.

Available as a dealer-installed option on several BMW M and traditional models, the $1,600 BMW M Performance Steering Wheel comes wrapped in Alcantara suede for that fractional improvement in grip that true drivers crave. The screen at the top of the wheel can be set to three modes; one to measure efficiency, a Sport mode that tracks lap times and holds a g-meter to measure the forces in turns, and a Race mode with more extensive timing and acceleration measures, such as how long it takes to reach 62 mph.

On either side of the screen lie a row of LEDs that flash green and red to suggest optimal shifting points for the wannabe racer. It's one of those innovations that sounds silly at first, but offers some usability the more you see it in action. And yet $1,600 buys a lot of accelerometers, stopwatches and gasoline. You can see the wheel in action below:

4 Aging Signs May Reveal Heart Disease Risk

A bald patch on the top of your head or a small vertical crease in your earlobe may seem like relatively harmless signs of aging, but a new study says signs like these may signal an increased risk of heart disease.

Danish researchers found that people were 39 percent more likely to have heart disease, and 57 percent more likely to have a heart attack, if they had at least three of these four signs: baldness on top of the head, receded hairline, a crease in the earlobe, and fatty deposits on the eyelids known as xanthelasmata.

The researchers accounted for people's ages in their results.

Therefore, the study shows "looking old for your age, by [having] these aging signs, marks poor cardiovascular health," said study researcher Dr. Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, a professor and chief physician in the department of clinical biochemistry at Copenhagen University Hospital.

While the exact reason for the links between these signs and heart disease risk remains unclear, the study "validates the common clinical practice that the clinician examines the patient, and often looks at whether a person looks older or younger for her age," Tybjaerg-Hansen said.

The researchers used data from the Copenhagen Heart Study, which included10,885 people who were over the age of 40. Over the 35-year study, 3,401 participants developed heart disease, and 1,708 had a heart attack. Researchers examined six physical features associated with aging, but found that two — gray hair and wrinkles — did not appear to be linked with increased risk of heart problems.

The study included 5,828 men and 5,057 women. When the researchers considered the genders separately, they found that hair loss in women was not linked with an increased risk of heart disease. However, among the 737 men who had a receding hairline, 82 suffered a heart attack, meaning there a 40 percent higher risk in men with hair loss than those without.

Previous research has looked at whether hair loss may be a warning sign of heart disease, but results have been conflicting. Some studies have linked the severity and type of baldness with the risks of heart disease or heart attacks to varying degrees, but others have found no connection. Because the risk of both heart disease and baldness rise with age, it can be difficult for researchers to separate the two in studies.

Tybjaerg-Hansen said the four signs identified in the new study should give clinicians greater incentive to treat patients who have them. "The suggestion is that lifestyle changes and lipid-lowering therapies should be intensified, because their risk is higher," she said.

However, the area needs more research, because "it would be nice to know why these [varying factors] would be associated with increased risk," she said.

Tybjaerg-Hansen said, for example, that hair loss is linked with levels of testosterone in the blood, so the new study suggests the hormone also plays a role in heart disease, but there's "no hard data there at all, [it's] only speculative."

She said the group for whom the new results would raise the greatest concern is men between ages 70 and 79. In this group, 45 percent of those with all four aging signs developed heart disease, versus 31 percent of those with none of the four.

"This study underscores the importance of doing a good physical exam, in addition to any testing we're going to do for risk for heart disease," said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, director of the NYU Center for Women's Health and American Heart Association spokesperson, in a statement in response to the study.

While the researchers adjusted their results to account for other risk factors for heart disease, Goldberg noted that, for example, xanthelasmata is a sign of high cholesterol levels, a traditional risk factor for heart disease.

Goldberg concluded that while the length of the study made the results compelling, doctors "need to continue to monitor our standard testing for heart disease risk, such as measuring cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose for diabetes."

The researchers are presenting their findings today (Nov. 6) at an American Heart Association research conference. The findings have not been published in a scientific journal.

Poodle cats could be the new rage for feline f

In 1987, a mutant kitten was born in Montana with hair like a poodle. Named Miss DePesto, this kitten grew up and birthed curly kittens of her own. As the curly cat family tree grew, Miss DePesto's descendants eventually became recognized as a new breed: the Selkirk Rex.

Now, 25 years and about nine kitty generations later, researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria, have confirmed that these felines are genetically distinct from previously known breeds, making Selkirk Rex the fourth curly-haired cat breed known.

The genetic quirk that makes a Selkirk Rex's hair kink is a dominant trait. This makes the trait easy for breeders to retain even while crossing breeding to maintain genetic diversity. Selkirk Rex is usually crossed with Persians or British Shorthairs, making it a particularly laid back cat.

And while the Selkirk Rex is one of four curly-haired cat breeds, it easily has the best hair. Devon Rex and Cornish Rex are breeds with curly, downy, super-short hair, prone to balding, while the unimaginatively named LaPerm breed has curly hair of average length hair -- but not nearly as plush and thick as Selkirk Rex. Miss DePesto would be proud.

In historic first, gay marriage is approved by popular vote in Maine, Maryland

In an historic election night for the gay rights movement, voters in Maine and Maryland became the first in the country to approve same-sex marriage, breaking a 32-state losing streak.

According to the Associated Press, Maine passed a ballot measure legalizing it on Tuesday night—an issue put on the ballot by gay marriage supporters—while voters in Maryland approved a law legalizing gay marriage that was actually passed earlier this year by the state legislature. The Washington Post reports that gay couples in Maryland will be able to wed starting Jan. 1.

Gay marriage is on the ballot in four states. Voters in Washington state are weighing in on a similar referendum, while Minnesota voters rejected an amendment to the state constitution that would have solidified a ban on gay marriage. It remains illegal in the state after Tuesday's vote.

"It's hard to overstate the national significance of this vote," Mark Solomon, the national campaign director of Freedom to Marry, which supports gay marriage, said in a statement about the Maine initiative. "For years, our opponents have argued that we could not win a majority vote at the ballot. Today, Maine voters proved them wrong, standing up for the Golden Rule and for freedom for all Mainers."

Maine and Maryland join six other states—Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Iowa, Vermont, New York and Connecticut—and the District of Columbia to allow gay marriage.

Tuesday's election was the first time gay marriage was on the ballot since President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to declare his support for it in May. It also marked another milestone for gay rights advocates: Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay candidate elected to the U.S. Senate.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Obama's Approval Rises In Superstorm Sandy's Wake

President Obama has seen a boost in his job approval ratings in the past week as the nation has dealt with Superstorm Sandy and its aftermath. Meanwhile, Republican challenger Mitt Romney's favorability has hit a rough patch following almost a month of gains.

The shifts come with the the election just days away and could mark a late turn in a campaign that has drawn on for two years.

TPM Slideshow: PollTracker's Top Races Of 2012

Since Oct. 28, a national tracking poll by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling has shown Obama's job approval making a net gain of 6 percentage points. PPP is also the only national poll tracking a similar metric for Romney, his favorability rating, on a daily basis. During the same period, Romney's favorability has dropped by a net 7 points.

Other daily tracking polls have also shown Obama making similar gains. Republican-leaning Rasmussen showed a 5-point net boost since its Monday poll. A daily ABC News/Washington Post poll has put Obama's approval rating at 50 percent or above in nine of the 12 editions through Friday, and at 49 percent on the three other days.

While pollsters are cautious to point to any one reason for the shifts, the numbers happen to have moved at a time when Americans say they have a positive view of Obama's handling of Sandy's destruction. The storm ravaged the East Coast late Monday and early Tuesday and caused blackouts, flooding and gasoline shortages that have affected millions of people. The most recent poll, released Saturday by UPI, showed 77 percent of Americans surveyed said they had a positive take on Obama's response to the storm.

Romney's favorability ratings had a big boost after the first presidential debate in early October. But the PollTracker Average of the ratings shows his positive numbers appear to have leveled off in recent days while his negatives have started to rise. The effect is a net drop in his overall favorability.

While the personal ratings of both men are significant on a national scale, the election will of course be decided in crucial swing states. Their ratings in some of those states have also shown a tilt toward Obama in recent days.

In Ohio, as one example, President Obama's approval rating had slipped in October after being above 50 percent in the PollTracker Average the previous month. But a diverse set of polls in recent days have all shown Obama's approval rating hitting 50 percent or higher in the Buckeye State. The polls from New York Times/CBS, GOP-leaning Rasmussen, Democratic-leaning PPP, and NBC News/Marist have shown Obama making strong gains before Tuesday's vote.

Romney's image, meanwhile, improved in Ohio following the first debate, but the last three live caller polls in the state have shown he is viewed unfavorably by 48 percent of likely voters. Two of those polls were from the New York Times/CBS News and the third from the NBC News/Marist College partnership. Romney has been buoyed by Republican-leaning Rasmussen and partisan polls, improving his overall standing, but among the media-sponsored numbers, he is yet to bring the negative personal rating down further.

Both men's images have made improvements in certain areas as Tuesday approaches, but just like the divide between the national polls and the Electoral College map, the state polls seem to be doing the president more good than the national push has been for Romney.

At $49M, 'Wreck-It Ralph' Gets Boost From Storm Regions; Domestic Box Office Soars 15 Percent

power to what was expected to be a wrecked box office. The biggest beneficiary: "Wreck-It Ralph," Disney's animated homage to classic videogames, which took in an estimated $49.1 million in its opening weekend.

And "Flight," the airline thriller from Paramount starring Denzel Washington, got off to a great start too, taking in $25 million for the three days -- well beyond pre-release projections which had it in the mid-teen millions.

Going into the weekend, between 150 and 200 Atlantic Coast theaters were expected to be closed. But many re-opened during the weekend as power came online, and the overall box office was running about 15 percent ahead of the comparable weekend last year.

Several of the region's theaters were among the strongest in the nation for "Wreck-it Ralph," Dave Hollis, Disney's executive vice-president of exhibition, told TheWrap on Sunday. With many kids out of school on Friday because of the storm, "Wreck-It Ralph' did strong matinee business on the East Coast on Friday, too.

Also read: 'Wreck-It Ralph' Review: Arcade-Generation 'Roger Rabbit' Is Worth Every Quarter

"Our thoughts go out to all those who were and are still being affected by the storm," Hollis said. "And if in some way we offered folks who might have been ready for something upbeat a nice distraction, well that's a great feeling."

"Wreck-it Ralph" is the biggest Disney Animation opening ever, topping "Tangled," which debuted with $48 million in at Thanksgiving of 2010, and went on to make $200 million domestically and $590 million worldwide. "Ralph" added another $12 million overseas this weekend, so it had $61 million first weekend worldwide.

"It's a testament to the artists and filmmakers behind it," Hollis said. "I'm very proud that we've been able to build on the success of 'Tangled' and come back and do it again."

The PG-rated family film averaged an impressive $13,086 per screen from 3,752 theaters. The audiences were 67 percent families, which broke down 54 percent male and 57 percent under 25 years of age. They gave "Wreck-It Ralph" an "A" CinemaScore.

John C. Reilly voices the title character, a videogame bad guy who tries to turn himself around with calamitous results; Sarah Silverman is the voice behind his sweetheart, Vanellope von Schweetz. Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, Mindy Kaling and Ed O'Neill are also part of the voice cast. Rich Moore ("The Simpsons," "Futurama") directed, and Pixar founder John Lasseter executive produced the film, which carried a $165 million production budget.

Audiences gave "Flight," which is generating awards buzz for Washington and director Robert Zemeckis, an "A-" CinemasScore. It played to mature audiences with 89 percent over 25 years of age, and 51 percent were male.

Also read: 'Flight' Review: Denzel Washington Perfecly Captures an Imperfect Man

The opening for "Flight" compares favorably with that of Paramount's "The Fighter," which brought in $12 million from 2,500 theaters when it opened in December of 2010. It even topped the last month's bow of "Argo," which took in $19 million from 3,200 theaters in its first weekend.

"It was a great opening," Paramount's distribution chief Don Harris told TheWrap Sunday, "particularly when you realize we're talking an adult-themed movie on the weekend before the presidential election."

Flight" represented a departure for director Zemeckis ("Back to the Future"), who hadn't done a live-action movie since "Cast Away" in 2000. The well-reviewed R-rated drama is about the investigation into a pilot's heroic emergency landing, during which it's found he had alcohol and drugs in his system.

"The best part of this is the return of Bob Zemeckis to live-action-filmmaking," said Harris. "To see him come back like this, with the critical reception and now the results, is really gratifying."

The weekend's other wide opener, Universal's martial arts film "The Man With the Iron Fists," took in $8.2 million playing at 1,868 theatres for a per-theater average of $4,400 and fourth place.

Rapper-turned-filmmaker RZA made his directorial debut on the R-rated film, which is presented by Quentin Tarantino, who served as its creative godfather. It stars Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu.

Also read: Anti-Obama '2016' Doc Getting Last-Ditch Digital Release Before Election (Exclusive)

Audiences, which were 64 percent male and 53 percent under 30, gave the film a "C+" CinemaScore. Its production budget was $15 million.

Warner Bros.' "Argo" continued to show impressive staying power and finished third. Ben Affleck's political thriller took in $10.2 million from 2,724 screens, just a 15 percent drop from last weekend and a solid $3,761 per-screen average. After four weeks, its overall domestic gross is $75.8 million, a strong showing for a movie with a $44 million production budget.

The news wasn't as good for "Cloud Atlas." Andy and Lana Wachowski's sci-fi epic brought in just $5.2 million from 1,963 screens in its second week and finished sixth. The overall domestic gross for the independently financed film with a reported budget of $100 million is a disappointing $18.2 million.

The Liam Neeson thriller "Taken 2" finished fifth, with $6 million to raise its overall dometic gross to $125 million after five weeks.

With another family film in the marketplace, Sony's "Hotel Transylvania" finally cooled down but still did $4.5 million to raise its overall domestic gross to $137.5 million.

Prison, $7 billion fine for French rogue trader

                                        Associated Press/Jacques Brinon, File - FILE - In this June, 4 2012 file photo, French trader Jerome Kerviel arrives at the Paris courthouse. The Paris appeals court on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012, ordered Kerviel,

PARIS (AP) — A former junior trader for France's second-largest bank who was ordered Wednesday to pay back a staggering €4.9 billion (about $7 billion) in damages to his ex-employer is painting himself as the victim of a financial system that runs on greed.

Only the Bill Gates or the Warren Buffetts of the world could come up with the breathtaking sum an appeals court demanded Jerome Kerviel reimburse to Societe Generale as punishment for committing one of the biggest trade frauds in history. Kerviel says he will fight back with a new appeal to France's highest court.

The court upheld in full the initial 2010 guilty verdict and sentence, which includes a three-year prison term, against the 35-year-old rogue trader.

He sees himself not as a fraudster but as a victim of a system that turned a blind eye to his colossal positions in late 2007 and early 2008 as long as they made money for the bank.

Hours after the verdict, Kerviel announced his plan to appeal, which he has until Monday to file.

"I will continue to fight," he told RTL radio. "I think the judgment is protecting Societe Generale."

Kerviel called on people in banking, notably Societe Generale employees, who have information to come forward and serve as witnesses. "I'm looking for the truth to be told."

Kerviel, who never profited personally from his unauthorized trades, said he had thought the court might acquit him.

"I absolutely didn't expect this ruling," he said in his first comments after slipping out the side door of the courtroom. "What happened today is a call for me to put a bullet in my head," he said. He added, when asked, that he does "absolutely not" envision suicide.

The lawyer for Societe Generale, Jean Veil, called the verdict "a great satisfaction," particularly the court's demand the former trader reimburse the €4.9 billion ($7 billion at the time) that it cost the bank to unwind his astronomical positions.

Still, Veil acknowledged that full repayment would, in all likelihood, be out of the question.

Banned for life from working in the financial industry, Kerviel was making €2,300 ($3,150 at the time) as a computer consultant after leaving the bank. Societe Generale had paid him less than €100,000 ($155,700) with bonuses, a modest sum for what he earned for the bank in 2007 when he amassed €1.4 billion in profits for the bank.

"Societe Generale will look at it realistically," Veil told reporters. However, he indicated the bank could take over royalty earnings from a book Kerviel published this year about the scandal as well as any income he might earn from movie deals.

"It would have been indecent for Mr. Kerviel to be able to preserve revenues coming from the exploitation of his fraud," Veil said.

The appeals court upheld the October 2010 conviction of Kerviel for forgery, breach of trust and unauthorized computer use for covering up bets worth nearly €50 billion — more than the market value of the entire bank. It sentenced him to a five-year prison term — with two years suspended — ordered he pay €4.9 billion in damages.

A new appeal to the Court of Cassation would suspend carrying out the sentence.

Kerviel's lawyer, David Koubbi, called the verdict "absolutely lamentable."

The argument turns broadly on who is the victim in the case.

The Societe Generale lawyer pointedly referred to the bank as "the victim." But for many others, the real victim was the trader, who maintains he was a cog in a financial system that runs on greed and profits.

A colleague from Societe Generale who testified on Kerviel's behalf said the court didn't take into account others at the bank who surely knew about Kerviel's risky bets.

A junior futures trader such as Kerviel "could in no case do what he did without being seen" by his superiors, Philippe Hoube said after the verdict. "If justice had played its role, they wouldn't have sentenced him so heavily," he said.

An internal report by the bank has said managers failed to follow up on 74 different alarms about Kerviel's activities.

By the time his trades were discovered in early 2008, when banks were sliding into a global crisis, had amassed losses of almost €5 billion on those bets in one of the biggest trade frauds in history.

The sentence — a five-year prison term, with two years suspended, plus the payback of all the losses he incurred — shocked many in the French public. After a global financial crisis that many blamed on big banks, many still believe Kerviel's claim that he was a victim of an unjust system.

"I'm someone who believed in French justice. But one day I understood that there is justice for the powerful and another for ordinary citizens," said Jean Debrex, a retiree who attended Wednesday's audience.

A few of the bank's executives resigned in the scandal's aftermath, including longtime Chairman Daniel Bouton. Kerviel's superiors were questioned in the probe, but none of them faced charges.

The bank says Kerviel made bets on futures contracts on three European equity indices. It said at the time that his net position appeared unremarkable because he balanced his real trades with fictitious transactions.

The most indebted man in the world owes former employer $6.3 billion

                                  Jerome Kerviel, the most indebted man in the world (Euronews)

Former financial arbitrage trader Jerome Kerviel is the most indebted man on the planet, owing his former employer $6.3 billion.

The amount Kerviel owes to French bank Societe Generale for fraudulent trades made in 2007 and 2008 would make Kerviel one of the 50 richest people in America if those debts were assets.

But Kerviel cannot even begin paying off his debts until 2015, when he is scheduled to be released from prison. Kerviel recently lost an appeal case in which he argued the corruption at Societe Generale was widespread.

The Atlantic's Matthew O'Brien writes that Kerviel managed €50 billion ($73 billion in unadjusted dollars) worth of unauthorized trades during his tenure at Societe Generale, using a sophisticated scheme of computer hacking and deceptive trades to deceive the bank.

O'Brien writes:

"In plain English, arbitrage just means taking advantage of discrepancies when things should have the same price, but don't. The idea is to buy the cheaper one, sell the more expensive one, and then wait for them to converge. The beauty is it doesn't matter whether markets go up or down--you're both long and short--just that the prices actually converge."

O'Brien spoke with former investment banker and current University of San Diego law professor Frank Partnoy about the logistics of trying to collect $6.3 billion from a single individual.

"Well, he's obviously not going to be able to pay the fine," Partnoy told the Atlantic. "What happened to Kerviel is the financial equivalent of sentencing someone to life plus 100 years. They'll likely reach some kind of agreement where a significant percentage of any money he makes for the rest of his life will be paid into a fund to cover the fine. He'll be like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill every day for the rest of his life."

And while you could debate whether there are better ways for Kerviel to pay back Societe Generale, Partnoy offers a stark comparison to the fines levied against some of the world's largest financial institutions. In 2010, Goldman Sachs agreed to a $550 million settlement with Securities Exchange Commission, paid in part to investors and the U.S. government, which the SEC described as the largest settlement in history against any Wall Street firm.

Degrees to Help You Get Into Politics

Has the presidential election sparked your interest in a political career? Check out degrees that could help you prepare...

By Simon Herbert

Has the upcoming presidential election sparked your interest in politics?

Good news! Running for public office isn't the only way to get involved. There are many different political career opportunities that help you contribute back to society, says career expert Katharine Brooks, director of the Liberal Arts Career Services for the University of Texas at Austin.

Check out these degrees that could help you take that first step onto the political stage.
Degree #1:

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it’s never been more important to understand what is going on outside of the United States. If you're ready to brush up on your international knowledge, a bachelor's degree program in international studies could be a good fit.

Students usually learn more about complex issues ranging from the effects of war on foreign trade, diplomacy, intelligence, and how nations interact on economic, military, and cultural issues, according to the College Board
Political path: With a bachelor's in international relations, you could pursue a career as a foreign service officer, government executive and legislator, or news analyst, says the College Board.

Those who have gone before: President William Jefferson Clinton studied international relations at Georgetown University, according to the White House website.
Degree #2: Business Administration

As President Calvin Coolidge once observed, “The chief business of the American people is business." So it's no surprise that many political figures have studied the dynamics of business management.

According to College Board, a bachelor's degree in business administration could help students develop skills in arranging, directing, and managing an organization's objectives. Courses might range from topics such as accounting, marketing, economics, managing, sociology, and business policy.

Political path: A bachelor's in business administration could come in handy as you prepare to enter into a management career in government (like the Treasury Department), says the College Board. Other non-political opportunities might be found in finance and marketing. Of course, in most fields, you'll need experience, too.

Those who have gone before: President George Walker Bush received his master's in business administration (MBA) at Harvard University, according to the White House website.
Degree #3: Public Administration

The Oval Office isn't everything. There are plenty of political offices that need filling at the local and state levels. A bachelor's or master's degree in public administration could set you on the path to politics by teaching you how to work with neighborhoods and organizations within your own community, something our current president knows a thing or two about.

In a public administration program, you might learn how to effect real change in policies at the local, state, and federal levels, says the College Board. Some common courses in this program include public budgeting and financial administration, public policy, and community analysis.

Political path: A bachelor's in public administration could serve as the jumping off point for your political career. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, this degree could help prepare you to pursue work as a social and community service manager. Get a master's in the field and you could pursue a related career as a political scientist, where you might analyze government policies for various private and public organizations.

Those who have gone before: Current U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell received a bachelor's in public administration from Miami University, and current U.S. Representative James Patrick Moran, Jr. earned his master's in the field at the University of Pittsburgh. And although he didn't study public administration specifically, President Barack Obama spent several years as a community organizer in Chicago before starting down the road to the White House.
Degree #4: Communications

Politics is about communicating a clear message, which has never been more critical than in the 24/7 news reports we've seen during this presidential election season.

With a bachelor's in communications, students might study journalism, marketing, public relations, communication and rhetoric, mass media (television, radio, print media, Internet), and how media impacts our laws and culture, according to the College Board.
Political path: A bachelor's in communications could enhance your knowledge of communications and help as you pursue a career as a news analyst, says the College Board. Other less-political options might include program director, manager for advertising or marketing, or a public relations specialist.

Those who have gone before: Former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino graduated from Colorado State University-Pueblo with a bachelor's degree in mass communications, according to the Colorado State University-Pueblo website.
Degree #5: Economics

Money makes the world go round, so a clear knowledge of how it works is essential, whether you’re raising funds for a campaign, or working to cut the national deficit.

Economics students, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, may study how society distributes resources (land, labor, raw materials, and machinery) to produce goods and services. They might also conduct research, collect and analyze data on energy costs, exchange rates, business cycles, inflation, interest rates, taxes, and employment levels.

Click to Find the Right Economics or Business-Related Program.

Political path: Those with a bachelor's in economics could be prepared to pursue a politically-minded career in public policy consulting, says the College Board. Other potential opportunities might include financial analyst, management consultant, or market and survey researcher.

Those who have gone before: President Ronald Reagan studied economics at Eureka College in Illinois, according to the White House website. President George Herbert Walker Bush, his successor, graduated with the same degree from Yale University.
Degree #6: Political Science

Want to learn more about the development of government bodies and public policy? Pursue a bachelor's degree in political science, and you might study the mechanics of politics, including the origins and operations of political systems, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Other topics covered might include public policy, political theory, and political ideology, says the College Board, an organization that administers academic aptitude tests like the SAT.

Political path: A bachelor's in political science could help you pursue a career as a political scientist or policy analyst, says the Department of Labor. Non-political opportunities might include research assistant or teacher.

Those who have gone before: President Barack Obama received his degree in political science from Columbia University. President Woodrow Wilson was a professor of political science at Princeton, according to the White House website.
Degree #7: Education

While perhaps not an obvious choice, with the recent low performance of U.S. schools on the world stage, a background in education could present one possible path to a political career. And we can think of at least one major U.S. political figure who has proven this to be true.

In addition to providing you with the skills to be an effective teacher, a bachelor's degree in education could teach you about how people learn, covering topics like educational psychology, says the College Board. Common courses include philosophy of education, instructional technology, and teaching methods.

Click to Find the Right Education Program.

Political path: Although a degree in education does not necessarily offer a clearly defined political path, all of those hours in front of the class could get your public speaking skills tack sharp. To qualify for a public school teaching position at any level, you must have a bachelor's degree and a state-issued certification or license, says the U.S. Department of Labor.

Those who have gone before: President Lyndon B. Johnson earned his bachelor's from Southwest Texas State Teachers' College and taught for several years in South Texas before going into politics.

Kristen Stewart Bares Toned Midriff, Shows Cleavage at On the Road Screening                                 
                      Kristen Stewart Bares Toned Midriff, Shows Cleavage at On the Road Screening

What a vixen!

Kristen Stewart looked like a knockout at the AFI Fest Presented by Audi screening of On the Road at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood Nov. 3. With her hair pulled back into a ponytail, the 22-year-old actress revealed her toned midriff in a cleavage-baring Balenciaga ensemble. Stewart completed her look with black Christian Louboutin heels. "The outfit was a mature look for her," an onlooker tells Us Weekly. "She looked really pretty."

PHOTOS: Kristen Stewart cheats on Robert Pattinson

When Stewart and her costars Amy Adams (in Dolce & Gabbana) and Garrett Hedlund (in Prada) hit up the Audi and Stella Artois sponsored afterparty at the Roosevelt, the Twilight star changed into a more comfortable look: a sheer tee (which exposed her black bra), a leather jacket and Seven jeans.

Inside the soiree, Stewart's boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, 26, was "being social with lots of different people," an attendee tells Us. "He seemed like he was letting Kristen do her thing since it was her film and she had to schmooze with industry people and friends."

PHOTOS: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's undercover PDA

Though Stewart was caught cheating with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders in July, she and Pattinson have since reconciled. "He started thinking nobody else would understand his life," a Pattinson pal told Us in September. "His rational voice told him not to toss a three-year relationship for one infidelity."

The single best decade for dating is...

Think it’s scary and miserable to be an older dater? Think again.

Conventional wisdom holds that dating success and enjoyment are like the contents of a milk carton, because they come with an expiration date. But recent research indicates that older daters are also the happiest daters — a surprise, no doubt, to those in their twenties who think that romance is solely for the young. As it turns out, the “young at heart” have it going on much more than anyone previously realized.

According to a recent study from, older singles report feeling the greatest level of happiness combined with the least amount of stress over their relationship status. So, you can relax about being single and/or dating after a certain age, because your love life down the road could be much better than you expect. Of course, that’s not to say that people in different age groups want the same things in a match; after all, everyone’s life stages are distinct, and what we want and need at 20 differs radically (for the most part) from what we want when we’re 60.

How older singles stand out online
In their recent findings presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s international conference, Bowling Green State University gerontologists Wendy K. Watson and Charlie Stelle noted that older adults appear to market themselves differently using online dating sites than younger adults do — and that’s a trend worth fostering.
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Dr. Watson and Dr. Stelle believe that the senior population appears to be more focused on honest self-representation and being compatible with their dates rather than discussing issues that might be attractive to younger daters, such as sexual prowess and nightlife. They found traditional online coding terms used to describe younger generations seem to “miss some key elements relevant for ads placed by older adults.”

As Dr. Stelle noted about these older daters, “They are less likely to play games. They want to make a decision quickly and cut their losses, because they have learned life is too short for dating games.” Knowing this, let’s cut to the chase and spotlight those elements. Here are the eight attributes that older daters should clearly incorporate and expound on in their online dating profiles and in their digital communications with prospective mates:

1. Affection. If what you are really looking for in a mate is warmth, touch, and holding hands — i.e., as much or more than other aspects of intimacy — then make sure your profile reflects this accurately. “I found I got a really strong response from women when I mentioned that affection was important and a choice that you make together,” says Maryland native Al, 63, who met his current girlfriend at a recent swing dance party. Al adds that their focus on affection has really become a shared value in this budding relationship.

2. Intelligence. “I want a smart guy with whom I can converse about current events and politics,” says Myra, 66, from Florida. “So I cut any generic mentions of long walks on the beach and instead focused on more intellectual matters [in my profile]. The quality of my interactions has gone up since I clarified what I like best.”

3. Independence. “I don’t want to be tied to the hip with a spouse anymore,” says Washington native Marie, 61. “I did that with my ex-husband and three kids. I want a man, but I also want time alone to explore, see friends on my own, and, frankly, spend time with my own thoughts. I make that clear upfront to every man with whom I speak.”

4. Your everyday life’s purpose and/or goals. “I feel the clock ticking,” says Boston resident Len, 65. “I want to go, do, and see something new every day now. I guess you could say I am driven, and I’d like someone who’s driven to do things, too. I retired from work; I didn’t retire from life. When I am on a date with a woman, I always try to find out if she feels the same.”

5. Religion and spirituality. “When I was 30, I didn’t care about how spiritual my dates were,” says JoAnn, 64, from California. “I was looking for a sexy guy who wanted to sweep me off my feet. Now I want a guy with a spiritual side who has at least some understanding and appreciation for the big-faith questions in life.”

6. Political beliefs. “It matters to me what side of the aisle my guy is on,” says Virginian Brenda, 63. “I care about the world and what happens to it much more now than I did when I was younger and more self-focused. I have grandchildren, and I want to leave the world a better place for them. I’m a staunch environmentalist and healthcare advocate, and I can’t imagine a romance with a man who spends time reciting opposite view talking points to me. I am very upfront about that.”

7. Compatibility and companionship preferences. “I can compromise on a lot,” says Californian Jane, 63. “None of us look like we’re 25 anymore. None of us have quite the energy level we once did. Everyone has some sort of baggage at this age. OK, fine, but I can’t compromise on compatibility. I need to feel a sense of ease with my dates; that’s foremost. If I don’t feel that, it doesn’t matter how attractive he is physically or what he brings to the table in other ways, it’s a deal-breaker. Unfortunately, that’s all down to chemistry. You can’t guarantee that by writing about it in your dating profile, but you know it when you feel it.”

8. Current health and activity status. “I do my level best to maintain a healthy life,” says Chicago resident Linda, 67. “I eat right, exercise and stay active so I can lead an active life. I’d like my mate to do the same, just so we can be on the same page with our activity levels. You never know what illnesses might beset someone (or what a person might have already recovered from), and I have several friends who are battling chronic illnesses now. But starting out in a new romance, it’d be nice to find a mate with relatively good health. Before I started dating my neighbor, we were walking buddies.”

When it comes to dating in your sixties (and beyond), it’s best to focus on the important elements of life that you care about most — whether it’s one of the eight listed above, or another essential attribute that you won’t compromise on in a mate.